Credit: OUP |
Retweet and woot are among the newest words added to the
Concise Oxford English Dictionary. Also added sexting which is the act of "the sending of sexually explicit photographs or messages via mobile phone." Those noobs over there at Oxford are discovering the uses of twitter and its importance. They also gained themselves some follower, "someone who is tracking a particular person, group, or organization on a social networking site." Following someone is more like stalking someone on the internet these days. The nerds are now allowed to use the word cyberbullying, because it is officially a word in the dictionary which involves, "the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature." These words are so new that google hasn't even updated their dictionary, blogger spell check still highlight words such as cyberbullying and woot as incorrect. Get on it Google or you are going to get cyberbullied!
Credit: jmthebest |
Only months before did Oxford add internet vocabulary such as FYI (for your information), LOL (laugh out loud), OMG (oh my god) to the dictionary. This is becoming a trend for dictionaries. Soon enough we may see word which are already in the dictionary shorten. c u ppl tmrw :D!
Credit: ebooks.com |
P.S - Maybe it is time for urbandictionary.com to publish their version of the dictionary (looks like they already did). Where tea bags are not the ones you put into a cup of boiling water.